Leonardo da Vinci designed what may be the first humanoid robot though it
cannot be confirmed if the design was actually ever produced. The robot was
designed to sit up, wave its arms, and move its head via a flexible neck while
opening and closing its jaw.
Blaise Pascal invented a calculating machine to help his father with taxes. The
device was called the Pascaline
and about 50 Pascalines were built. Only a
few can be found in museums such as the one on display in the Des Arts et
Metiers Museum in Paris.
A pocket version of the Pascaline was invented by Samuel Morland [9] which
worked “without charging the memory, disturbing the mind, or exposing the
operations to any uncertainty”
18th Century
In the 18th century, miniature automatons became popular as toysfor the
very rich. They were made to look and move like humans or small animals.
Jacques de Vaucanson’s most famous creation was undoubtedly"The Duck."
This mechanical device could flap its wings, eat, and digest grain. Each wing
contained over four hundred moving parts and even today it remains
something of a mystery. The original Duck has disappeared.
Joseph-Marie Jacquard invented a machine (essentially a loom) that could be
programmed to create designs that could be printed onto cloth or tissue.
John Brainerd created the Steam Man apparently used to pull wheeled carts
and more.
In 1885, Frank Reade Jr. built the “Electric Man” which is more-or-less an electric version of the Steam Man.
The first patents were awarded for the construction of a “printed wire” which
came into use after World War 2. The concept was to replace radio tube with
something less bulky.
The term "robot" was first used in a play called "R.U.R." or "Rossum's
Universal Robots" by the Czech writer Karel Capek. The plot was simple: man
creates a robot to replace him and then robot kills man!
Westinghouse creates ELEKTRO a human-like robot that could walk, talk,
and smoke . ELEKTRO was first unveiled at the 1939 world’s fair.
Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov first used the word "robotics" to describe
the technology of robots and predicted the rise of a powerful robotindustry.
The term robotics refers to the study and use of robots; it came about in 1941
and was first adopted by Isaac Asimov, a scientist and writer. It was Asimov
who also proposed the following “Laws of Robotics” in his short story
Runaround in 1942.
Isaac Asimov wrote the "Three Laws of Robotics”. A zeroth law waslater
added (law zero below).
Law One: A robot may not injure a human (or humanity), or, through
inaction, allow a human (or humanity) to come to harm.
Law Two: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings, exceptwhere
such orders would conflict with a higher order law.
Law Three: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection
does not conflict with a higher order law]
Law Zero: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow
a human being to come to harm, unless this would violate a higher order law
The first “programmable” mechanism, a paint-sprayer, was designed by
Willard Pollard and Harold Roselund for the DeVilbiss Company. (USPatent
No. 2,286,571).
George Devol patented a general purpose playback device for controlling
machines using magnetic recordings.
On November 14, 1947, Walter Brattain had an accident while trying to
study how electrons acted on the surface of a semiconductor. This accident
brought about the creation of the first transistor.
W. Grey Walter created his first robots; Elmer and Elsie, also known as the
turtle robots. The robots were capable of finding their charging station when
their battery power ran low.
Raymond Goertz designed the first tele-operated articulated armfor the
Atomic Energy Commission. This is generally regarded as a major milestone
in force feedback (haptic) technology. (US Patent 2679940)
George Devol designed the first truly programmable robot and called it
UNIMATE for "Universal Automation." (US patent 2 998 237)
Later, in 1956, George Devol and Joseph Engelberger formed the world's firstrobot
company “Unimation” which stands for “universal automation”.
As a result, Engelberger has been called the 'father of robotics’.
Unimation is still in production today, with robots for sale.
History changed on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully
launched Sputnik I. The world's first autonomous, artificial satellite was 22.8
inches in diameter and weighed only 183.9 pounds.
1960’s One of the first operational, industrial robots in North America appeared in
the early 1960’s in a candy factory in Kitchener, Ontario.
Artificial intelligence research laboratories are opened at M.I.T., Stanford
Research Institute (SRI), Stanford University, and the Universityof
Carnegie Mellon establishes the Robotics Institute.
The first computer controlled walking machine was created by Mcgee and
Frank at the University of South Carolina.
The first manually controlled walking truck was made by R. Mosher. It could
walk up to four miles an hour
SRI built “Shakey”; a mobile robot equipped with a vision system and
controlled by a computer the size of a room.
Victor Scheinman created the Stanford Arm, which was the first successful
electrically-powered, computer-controlled robot arm.
WAP-1 became the first biped robot and was designed by Ichiro Kato. Air bags
connected to the frame were used to stimulate artificial muscles
WAP-3 was designed later and could walk on flat surfaces as well as climbup and down
stairs or slopes. It could also turn while walking.
V.S. Gurfinkel, A. Shneider, E.V. Gurfinkel and colleagues at the department
of motion control at the Russian Academy of Science create thefirst six-legged
walking vehicle.
Ichiro Kato created WABOT I which was the first full-scale anthropomorphic
robot in the world. It had a system for controlling limbs, vision,and
conversation! It was estimated that it had the mental ability of a 18 month old
Cincinnati Milacron released the T3, the first commerciallyavailable
minicomputer-controlled industrial robot (designed by Richard Hohn).
Intel (Integrated Electronics) produced the first batch of second-generation
8080 general purpose chips.
Victor Schenman developed the Programmable Universal Manipulation Arm
(Puma). It was widely used in industrial operations.
The MITS ALTAIR was the first 8080 chip based kit computer and is
arguably the start of the personal computer.
The Variante Masha, a six-legged walking machine, was created at the
Russian academy of Science by Dr. Devjanin, Dr. Grufinkelt, Dr. Lensky, Dr.
Schneider, and colleagues.
Shigeo Hirose created ACMVI (Oblix) robot. It had snake-like abilities. The
Oblix eventually became the MOGURA robot arm used in industry.
The Stanford Cart crossed a chair-filled room without human assistance. The
cart had a TV camera mounted on a rail which took pictures from multiple
angles and relayed them to a computer. The computer analyzed the distance
between the cart and the obstacles.
Hiroshi Makino of Yamanashi University designed the Selective Compliant
Articulated Robot Arm (SCARA) for assembly jobs in factories.
Quasi-dynamic walking was first realized by WL-9DR. It used a micro-computer as the controller. It could take one step every 10 seconds. Itwas
developed by Ichiro Kato at the Department of Mechanical Engineering School
of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo.
Shigeo Hirose developed Titan II. It is a quadruped which could climb stairs.
Picture is of Titan III, which is a successor to Titan II.
Created by the General Robotics Corp. the RB5X was a programmable robot
equipped with infrared sensors, remote audio/video transmission,bump
sensors, and a voice synthesizer. It had software that could enable itto learn
about its environment.
Waseda Hitachi Leg-11 (WHL-11) was a biped robot developed by Hitachi
Ltd. It was capable of static walking on a flat surface. It was able to turn and
could take a step every 13 seconds.
A four legged walking machine, Collie1, was developed by H. Miura at the
University of Tokyo. The machine had 3 degrees of freedom per leg.
The Melwalk3 was developed at Namiki Tsukuba Science City and wasa six-legged walking machine.
The first HelpMate service robot went to work at Danbury Hospital in
Aquarobot, a walking robot for undersea use, was created at theRobotics
Laboratory at the Ministry of Transport in Japan.
Developed by Kato Corporation, the WL12RIII was the first biped walking
robot which was able to walk on a terrain stabilized by trunk motion. It could
walk up and down stairs and could take a single step every 0.64 seconds.
iRobot Corporation was founded by Rodney Brooks, Colin Angleand Helen
Greiner and produced domestic and military robots.
Dante explored Mt. Erebrus in Antarctica. The 8-legged walking robot was
developed at Carnegie-Mellon University. However, the mission failed when
its tether broke.
Dante II subsequently explored Mt. Spurr in Alaska in
2004. This was a more robust version of Dante I.
RoboTuna was created by David Barrett at MIT. The robot was used to study
how fish swim.
Honda created the P2, which was the first major step in creating their
ASIMO. The P2 was the first self-regulating, bipedal humanoid robot.
NASA's PathFinder landed on Mars. The wheeled robotic rover sent images
and data about Mars back to Earth.
IBM's deep blue supercomputer beat the champion Gary Kasparov ata chess
match. This represented the first time a machine beat a grand champion chess
Honda created the P3, the second major step in creating their ASIMO. The P3
was Honda’s first completely autonomous humanoid robot.
Dr. Cynthia created Kismet, a robotic creature that interacted emotionally
with people.
LEGO released their MINDSTORMS robotic development product line,
which is a system for inventing robots using a modular design and LEGO
plastic bricks.
Campbell Aird was fitted with the first bionic arm called the Edinburg
Modular Arm System (EMAS).
Sony released the first Aibo robotic dog.
Mitsubishi created a robot fish. The intention was to create a robotic version of
an extinct species of fish.
Personal Robots released the Cye robot. It performed a variety of household
chores, such as delivering mail, carrying dishes, and vacuuming. It was
created by Probotics Inc.
Sony unveiled the Sony Dream Robots (SDR) at Robodex. SDR was ableto
recognize 10 different faces, expresses emotion through speech and body
language, and can walk on flat as well as irregular surfaces. Image of QRIO
iRobot Packbots searched through the rubble of the world Trade Center.
Subsequent versions of the Packbot robots are used in Afghanistan and Iraq.
MD Robotics of Canada built the Space Station Remote Manipulator System
(SSRMS). It was successfully launched and worked to assemble the
International Space Station.
Honda created the Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility (ASIMO). It is
intended to be a personal assistant. It recognizes its owner'sface, voice, and
name. Can read email and is capable of streaming video from its camera to a
iRobot released the first generation of Roomba robotic vacuum cleaners.
As part of their mission to explore Mars, NASA launched twin robotic rovers
on June 10 and July 7, 2003 called Spirit and Sojourner.
RobotShop Distribution Inc. was founded to provide today’s society with
domestic and professional robot technology that can help increase the pleasure,
knowledge liberty and security of individuals.
The Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), created HUBO, and
claims it is the smartest mobile robot in the world. This robot is linked to a
computer via a high-speed wireless connection; the computer does all of the
thinking for the robot.
Cornell University created self-replicating robots.
Leonardo da Vinci designed what may be the first humanoid robot though it
cannot be confirmed if the design was actually ever produced. The robot was
designed to sit up, wave its arms, and move its head via a flexible neck while
opening and closing its jaw.
Blaise Pascal invented a calculating machine to help his father with taxes. The
device was called the Pascaline
and about 50 Pascalines were built. Only a
few can be found in museums such as the one on display in the Des Arts et
Metiers Museum in Paris.
A pocket version of the Pascaline was invented by Samuel Morland [9] which
worked “without charging the memory, disturbing the mind, or exposing the
operations to any uncertainty”
18th Century
In the 18th century, miniature automatons became popular as toysfor the
very rich. They were made to look and move like humans or small animals.
Jacques de Vaucanson’s most famous creation was undoubtedly"The Duck."
This mechanical device could flap its wings, eat, and digest grain. Each wing
contained over four hundred moving parts and even today it remains
something of a mystery. The original Duck has disappeared.
Joseph-Marie Jacquard invented a machine (essentially a loom) that could be
programmed to create designs that could be printed onto cloth or tissue.
John Brainerd created the Steam Man apparently used to pull wheeled carts
and more.
In 1885, Frank Reade Jr. built the “Electric Man” which is more-or-less an electric version of the Steam Man.
The first patents were awarded for the construction of a “printed wire” which
came into use after World War 2. The concept was to replace radio tube with
something less bulky.
The term "robot" was first used in a play called "R.U.R." or "Rossum's
Universal Robots" by the Czech writer Karel Capek. The plot was simple: man
creates a robot to replace him and then robot kills man!
Westinghouse creates ELEKTRO a human-like robot that could walk, talk,
and smoke . ELEKTRO was first unveiled at the 1939 world’s fair.
Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov first used the word "robotics" to describe
the technology of robots and predicted the rise of a powerful robotindustry.
The term robotics refers to the study and use of robots; it came about in 1941
and was first adopted by Isaac Asimov, a scientist and writer. It was Asimov
who also proposed the following “Laws of Robotics” in his short story
Runaround in 1942.
Isaac Asimov wrote the "Three Laws of Robotics”. A zeroth law waslater
added (law zero below).
Law One: A robot may not injure a human (or humanity), or, through
inaction, allow a human (or humanity) to come to harm.
Law Two: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings, exceptwhere
such orders would conflict with a higher order law.
Law Three: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection
does not conflict with a higher order law]
Law Zero: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow
a human being to come to harm, unless this would violate a higher order law
The first “programmable” mechanism, a paint-sprayer, was designed by
Willard Pollard and Harold Roselund for the DeVilbiss Company. (USPatent
No. 2,286,571).
George Devol patented a general purpose playback device for controlling
machines using magnetic recordings.
On November 14, 1947, Walter Brattain had an accident while trying to
study how electrons acted on the surface of a semiconductor. This accident
brought about the creation of the first transistor.
W. Grey Walter created his first robots; Elmer and Elsie, also known as the
turtle robots. The robots were capable of finding their charging station when
their battery power ran low.
Raymond Goertz designed the first tele-operated articulated armfor the
Atomic Energy Commission. This is generally regarded as a major milestone
in force feedback (haptic) technology. (US Patent 2679940)
George Devol designed the first truly programmable robot and called it
UNIMATE for "Universal Automation." (US patent 2 998 237)
Later, in 1956, George Devol and Joseph Engelberger formed the world's firstrobot
company “Unimation” which stands for “universal automation”.
As a result, Engelberger has been called the 'father of robotics’.
Unimation is still in production today, with robots for sale.
History changed on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully
launched Sputnik I. The world's first autonomous, artificial satellite was 22.8
inches in diameter and weighed only 183.9 pounds.
1960’s One of the first operational, industrial robots in North America appeared in
the early 1960’s in a candy factory in Kitchener, Ontario.
Artificial intelligence research laboratories are opened at M.I.T., Stanford
Research Institute (SRI), Stanford University, and the Universityof
Carnegie Mellon establishes the Robotics Institute.
The first computer controlled walking machine was created by Mcgee and
Frank at the University of South Carolina.
The first manually controlled walking truck was made by R. Mosher. It could
walk up to four miles an hour
SRI built “Shakey”; a mobile robot equipped with a vision system and
controlled by a computer the size of a room.
Victor Scheinman created the Stanford Arm, which was the first successful
electrically-powered, computer-controlled robot arm.
WAP-1 became the first biped robot and was designed by Ichiro Kato. Air bags
connected to the frame were used to stimulate artificial muscles
WAP-3 was designed later and could walk on flat surfaces as well as climbup and down
stairs or slopes. It could also turn while walking.
V.S. Gurfinkel, A. Shneider, E.V. Gurfinkel and colleagues at the department
of motion control at the Russian Academy of Science create thefirst six-legged
walking vehicle.
Ichiro Kato created WABOT I which was the first full-scale anthropomorphic
robot in the world. It had a system for controlling limbs, vision,and
conversation! It was estimated that it had the mental ability of a 18 month old
Cincinnati Milacron released the T3, the first commerciallyavailable
minicomputer-controlled industrial robot (designed by Richard Hohn).
Intel (Integrated Electronics) produced the first batch of second-generation
8080 general purpose chips.
Victor Schenman developed the Programmable Universal Manipulation Arm
(Puma). It was widely used in industrial operations.
The MITS ALTAIR was the first 8080 chip based kit computer and is
arguably the start of the personal computer.
The Variante Masha, a six-legged walking machine, was created at the
Russian academy of Science by Dr. Devjanin, Dr. Grufinkelt, Dr. Lensky, Dr.
Schneider, and colleagues.
Shigeo Hirose created ACMVI (Oblix) robot. It had snake-like abilities. The
Oblix eventually became the MOGURA robot arm used in industry.
The Stanford Cart crossed a chair-filled room without human assistance. The
cart had a TV camera mounted on a rail which took pictures from multiple
angles and relayed them to a computer. The computer analyzed the distance
between the cart and the obstacles.
Hiroshi Makino of Yamanashi University designed the Selective Compliant
Articulated Robot Arm (SCARA) for assembly jobs in factories.
Quasi-dynamic walking was first realized by WL-9DR. It used a micro-computer as the controller. It could take one step every 10 seconds. Itwas
developed by Ichiro Kato at the Department of Mechanical Engineering School
of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, Tokyo.
Shigeo Hirose developed Titan II. It is a quadruped which could climb stairs.
Picture is of Titan III, which is a successor to Titan II.
Created by the General Robotics Corp. the RB5X was a programmable robot
equipped with infrared sensors, remote audio/video transmission,bump
sensors, and a voice synthesizer. It had software that could enable itto learn
about its environment.
Waseda Hitachi Leg-11 (WHL-11) was a biped robot developed by Hitachi
Ltd. It was capable of static walking on a flat surface. It was able to turn and
could take a step every 13 seconds.
A four legged walking machine, Collie1, was developed by H. Miura at the
University of Tokyo. The machine had 3 degrees of freedom per leg.
The Melwalk3 was developed at Namiki Tsukuba Science City and wasa six-legged walking machine.
The first HelpMate service robot went to work at Danbury Hospital in
Aquarobot, a walking robot for undersea use, was created at theRobotics
Laboratory at the Ministry of Transport in Japan.
Developed by Kato Corporation, the WL12RIII was the first biped walking
robot which was able to walk on a terrain stabilized by trunk motion. It could
walk up and down stairs and could take a single step every 0.64 seconds.
iRobot Corporation was founded by Rodney Brooks, Colin Angleand Helen
Greiner and produced domestic and military robots.
Dante explored Mt. Erebrus in Antarctica. The 8-legged walking robot was
developed at Carnegie-Mellon University. However, the mission failed when
its tether broke.
Dante II subsequently explored Mt. Spurr in Alaska in
2004. This was a more robust version of Dante I.
RoboTuna was created by David Barrett at MIT. The robot was used to study
how fish swim.
Honda created the P2, which was the first major step in creating their
ASIMO. The P2 was the first self-regulating, bipedal humanoid robot.
NASA's PathFinder landed on Mars. The wheeled robotic rover sent images
and data about Mars back to Earth.
IBM's deep blue supercomputer beat the champion Gary Kasparov ata chess
match. This represented the first time a machine beat a grand champion chess
Honda created the P3, the second major step in creating their ASIMO. The P3
was Honda’s first completely autonomous humanoid robot.
Dr. Cynthia created Kismet, a robotic creature that interacted emotionally
with people.
LEGO released their MINDSTORMS robotic development product line,
which is a system for inventing robots using a modular design and LEGO
plastic bricks.
Campbell Aird was fitted with the first bionic arm called the Edinburg
Modular Arm System (EMAS).
Sony released the first Aibo robotic dog.
Mitsubishi created a robot fish. The intention was to create a robotic version of
an extinct species of fish.
Personal Robots released the Cye robot. It performed a variety of household
chores, such as delivering mail, carrying dishes, and vacuuming. It was
created by Probotics Inc.
Sony unveiled the Sony Dream Robots (SDR) at Robodex. SDR was ableto
recognize 10 different faces, expresses emotion through speech and body
language, and can walk on flat as well as irregular surfaces. Image of QRIO
iRobot Packbots searched through the rubble of the world Trade Center.
Subsequent versions of the Packbot robots are used in Afghanistan and Iraq.
MD Robotics of Canada built the Space Station Remote Manipulator System
(SSRMS). It was successfully launched and worked to assemble the
International Space Station.
Honda created the Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility (ASIMO). It is
intended to be a personal assistant. It recognizes its owner'sface, voice, and
name. Can read email and is capable of streaming video from its camera to a
iRobot released the first generation of Roomba robotic vacuum cleaners.
As part of their mission to explore Mars, NASA launched twin robotic rovers
on June 10 and July 7, 2003 called Spirit and Sojourner.
RobotShop Distribution Inc. was founded to provide today’s society with
domestic and professional robot technology that can help increase the pleasure,
knowledge liberty and security of individuals.
The Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), created HUBO, and
claims it is the smartest mobile robot in the world. This robot is linked to a
computer via a high-speed wireless connection; the computer does all of the
thinking for the robot.
Cornell University created self-replicating robots.
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